InitWizardForm.Welcome1Label.Caption =Welcome to SmartBackup - the award winning full featured data backup and synchronization software. Hope you will enjoy this tool and never miss your critical data ever!
InitWizardForm.Welcome2Label.Caption =This wizard will help you initialize the software and setup program with the preferences below:
InitWizardForm.Label13.Caption =Click Next to continue...
InitWizardForm.Welcome21Label.Caption 1. Choose the way of program launch;
InitWizardForm.Welcome22Label.Caption 2. Set the default performance settings: bandwidth throttle, backup thread priority, etc.;
InitWizardForm.Welcome23Label.Caption 3. Provide email details for sending Backup alerts (Startup, Error, Summary, etc.);
InitWizardForm.Welcome24Label.Caption 4. Set the default events alerts style: audio notification, balloon, email, etc.;
InitWizardForm.Welcome25Label.Caption 5. Import Tasks from previous SmartBackup versions and other backup softwares;
InitWizardForm.Welcome26Label.Caption 6. Create your first Backup Task with the Task Wizard.
InitWizardForm.WelcomeNoteLabel.Caption =Note: You can change any option in the future using appropriate dialog boxes. Press F1 for more information.
InitWizardForm.WelcomeMaintenatceLabel.Caption =Click here if you already worked with SmartBackup 3.0 and want to import settings from saved copy instead of using this wizard.
InitWizardForm.LaunchTopLabel.Caption =Choose the way of program launch
InitWizardForm.LaunchSelLabel.Caption =Do you want to run SmartBackup automatically?
InitWizardForm.LaunchYesNoteLabel.Caption =Program will be configureed to run as the background task. Double click tray icon to open main program window. If you click Close button (or File->Exit) - the main windows will hide, but SmartBackup continue work in the background.
InitWizardForm.LaunchNoNoteLabel.Caption =Program will work as usual application. Double click program icon to launch SmartBackup and open main program window. If you click Close button (or File->Exit) SmartBackup will exit.
InitWizardForm.LaunchYesRadioButton.Caption =Yes, run SmartBackup at system startup
InitWizardForm.LaunchNoRadioButton.Caption =No, I'll run SmartBackup manually when I need to make backup
InitWizardForm.TaskPerformanceThreadPriorityNoteLabel.Caption =Note: Lower priority will make copy process slower. Higher priority will make copy process faster but you will notice some slow down in the other applications you are working in.
InitWizardForm.PerformanceOneThreadLabel.Caption =By checking this option you disallow simultaneous running of several Tasks. Simultaneous Task operations shall increase system load and may reduce your productivity on other applications.
InitWizardForm.PerformanceBandwidthNoteLabel.Caption =You can set a limit to the maximum data transfer rate, which can be useful with the program in the background mode, so that the copying does not hog the bandwidth (whether network or local bus) and interfere with other applications.
InitWizardForm.AlertsStyleTopLabel.Caption =Set the default event alerts style
InitWizardForm.AlertsStyleNoteLabel.Caption =Task alerts is the way program notifies about its basic events, such as: Task Started, Task Finished, Critical Error, etc. You can use one or all of the following alert types in SmartBackup: visual, audio, interactive dialog boxes and email notifications.
InitWizardForm.AlertsStyleEmailNoteLabel.Caption =Check this options if you need to use email notification, for example you are computer administrator and want to know that data backup proceed with no error.
InitWizardForm.AlertsStyleBalloonCheckBox.Caption =Show balloon messages at system tray
InitWizardForm.FinishCongratsLabel.Caption =Congratulations! You have finished the most basic SmartBackup initialization procedures and now you may proceed with the subsequent step - create your first Backup Task or Import Tasks from other data backup software.
InitWizardForm.FinishSelectLabel.Caption =Please select what you want to do next:
InitWizardForm.FinishImportCheckBox.Caption =Import Tasks from previous SmartBackup versions and other backup software
InitWizardForm.FinishCreateCheckBox.Caption =Create a new Backup Task
MaintenanceForm.Label1.Caption = Welcome to Settings Maintenance Wizard!
MaintenanceForm.Label2.Caption =─σΘ±≥ΓΦσ:
MaintenanceForm.MaintenanceForm.Label3.Caption =You will be guided several simple steps allowing you to backup or restore your current settings and tasks.
MaintenanceForm.WelcomeBackupRadioButton.Caption =Backup: Save current settings to a file
MaintenanceForm.WelcomeRestoreRadioButton.Caption =Restore: Load settings from a file
PrefsForm.PerformanceSimultaneousNoteLabel.Caption =Note: Simultaneous Task operations shall increase system load and may reduce your productivity on other applications.
PrefsForm.TaskLogSizeTextLabel.Caption =The Log file will be reset when it becomes larger than size you specify here. If you set this value to 0, SmartBackup will recycle the log file every time is starts.
PrefsForm.TaskLogIncludeLabel.Caption =Records to be included in the Log:
PrefsForm.TaskPasswordLabel6.Caption =Security phrase (will be shown in case if you forgot your password):
PrefsForm.TaskPasswordLabel1.Caption =Enter a password to protect other users from changing the Tasks. Once the password is set, you cannot edit the Tasks properties without the password. Users can still run the Tasks without knowing the password.
PrefsForm.TaskPasswordTopLabel.Caption =Protect this task's settings using password.
PrefsForm.TaskRunTopLabel.Caption =Run programs before or after task.
PrefsForm.TaskRunBeforeBrowse.Caption =╬ßτε≡...
PrefsForm.TaskRunAfterBrowse.Caption =╬ßτε≡...
PrefsForm.TaskRunWaitBeforeCheckBox.Caption =Wait for program before proceeding
PrefsForm.TaskRunWaitAfterCheckBox.Caption =Wait for program before proceeding
PrefsForm.TaskRunBeforeCheckBox.Caption =Before running the Task:
PrefsForm.TaskRunAfterCheckBox.Caption =After running the Task:
PrefsForm.TaskDialLabel1.Caption =AutoDial:
PrefsForm.TaskDialLabel2.Caption =Connect to network before running this task:
PrefsForm.TaskDialTopLabel.Caption =Establish connections to remote locations.
PrefsForm.TaskDialDisconnectAfterCheckBox.Caption =Disconnect after running task
PrefsForm.TaskHardwareLabel1.Caption =Skip when current Windows Hardware profile is:
PrefsForm.TaskHardwareTopLabel.Caption =Skip task work on selected hardware profiles.
PrefsForm.TaskBandwidthLabel1.Caption =Here you can set a limit to the maximum data transfer rate, which can be useful with the program in the background mode, so that the copying does not hog the bandwidth (whether network or local bus) and interfere with other applications.
PrefsForm.TaskPowerDontStartOnBatteriesCheckBox.Caption =Don't start Task when the computer is running on batteries
PrefsForm.TaskPerformanceLabel1.Caption =Background Process Priority:
PrefsForm.TaskPerformanceLabel2.Caption =Note: Lower priority will make copy process slower. Higher priority will make copy process faster but you will notice some slow down in the other applications you are working in.
TaskImportWizardForm.SelectUpLabel.Caption =Programs list to import tasks from:
TaskImportWizardForm.SelectTopLabel.Caption =Please select a program to import Tasks from
TaskImportWizardForm.Label13.Caption =Click Next to continue...
TaskImportWizardForm.SelectBotLabel.Caption =All registered and unregistered trademarks in this program list are the sole property of their respective owners.
TaskPropertiesForm.GeneralAuthNoteLabel.Caption =* Let the ability to execute Task using different security information than the main SmartBackup process. I.e. more powerful user with the access to the restricted network storage, etc.
TaskPropertiesForm.DestEmailPanel.Caption =Send Backup to an Email address
TaskPropertiesForm.DestEmailNoteLabel.Caption =You can send your backup to any email address with desired schedule. Just keep in mind the restrictions of your mailbox. It's not recommended to send big files. Usually you should not send files larger than 5 Megabytes via email.
TaskPropertiesForm.VersionsTitleLabel.Caption =What to do with old file versions (file exists in Backup, but more recent file is going to overwrite it)?
TaskPropertiesForm.OptionsDontSkipIfDateEqButSrcBiggerDstCheckBox.Caption =Overwrite if modification dates equals, but source file is bigger than destination
TaskPropertiesForm.MSScheduleTopLabel.Caption =Run Task using Microsoft Task Scheduler (tm).
TaskPropertiesForm.AdvancedTabSheet.Caption =Adv
TaskPropertiesForm.AdvancedLabel1.Caption =Advanced options can be set for all Tasks together using Options -> Task's Defaults dialog. By using the options located in the tree below you can override default values to make own advanced settings for the current Task.
TaskPropertiesForm.BandwidthTextLabel.Caption =Here you can set a limit to the maximum data transfer rate, which can be useful with the program in the background mode, so that the copying does not hog the bandwidth (whether network or local bus) and interfere with other applications.
TaskPropertiesForm.PasswordReminderLabel.Caption =Security phrase (will be shown in case if you forgot your password):
TaskPropertiesForm.PasswordTextLabel.Caption =Enter a password to protect other users from changing the Tasks. Once the password is set, you cannot edit the Tasks properties without the password. Users can still run this Task without knowing the password.
TaskPropertiesForm.PasswordUseDefaultRadioButton.Caption =Use the default/common password
TaskPropertiesForm.PasswordTopLabel.Caption =Protect this task's settings using password.
TaskPropertiesForm.PasswordUseCustomRadioButton.Caption =Use custom password for this Task:
TaskPropertiesForm.LogSizeTextLabel.Caption =The Log file will be reset when it becomes larger than size you specify here. If you set this value to 0, SmartBackup will recycle the log file every time is starts.
TaskPropertiesForm.LogIncludeLabel.Caption =Include in Log:
TaskPropertiesForm.PerformanceTextLabel.Caption =Background Process Priority:
TaskPropertiesForm.TaskPerformanceNoteLabel.Caption =Note: Lower priority will make copy process slower. Higher priority will make copy process faster but you will notice some slow down in the other applications you are working in.